NovaStar now has two products that work hand in hand to make storage, management, and display of digital signage content easier than it’s ever been before.

The hardware side of the solution is the Taurus Multimedia Player. Most models of this all-in-one smart card support both synchronous and asynchronous modes, and works seamlessly with either the VNNOX or ViPlex platforms to display your content. Suitable for indoor and outdoor billboards, commercial displays, shopping malls, fixed installations, and pole screens, Taurus was designed with stability and ease-of-use in mind, making sure your display’s uptime is maximized.  The Taurus can also easily split your display into multiple regions, maximizing display space and increasing value.

The second part of the solution is the software, which we call VNNOX. This is a cloud-based platform that allows you to access, manage, and publish your content remotely from anywhere in the world. 

The Taurus Multimedia Player and VNNOX integrate seamlessly to provide you with a powerful, secure, and stable solution to manage your digital display content at anytime, from anywhere.